Papers by Tyshing, R.

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Tyshing, R. . 1997. Concept design of the Hampton Beach renourishment Port Phillip Bay, Victoria.. University of Canterbury Private Bag 4800 Christchurch New Zealand, Centre for Advanced Engineering: 449-452.
Beach renourishment is a popular form of foreshore protection which results in high recreational amenity for the local residents mainly, and visitors to the area. Technically a successful low maintenance design requires a good, ample and proven source of suitable sand, as well as a good understanding of the coastal processes, particularly the sediment transport capacity. In practice however, the complete design must fully satisfy the requirements of a diverse range of interested groups ranging from government management agencies, planning agencies, local community groups including conservationists and to individuals who may feel that the development will somehow impact on them. Engineers must be prepared to develop designs that are technically functional and practical, and listen to and react to other requirements of the community in order for such public developments to be funded, supported and approved for construction.
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