1) Sediment Samples

Samples of sediment that have been collected by vibracoring, grab sampling or jet probing. Data associated with individual samples, cores and core layers is accessible through the Query and Identify functions of the ROSSI Map Viewer. Data associated with cores or samples can be accessed in the map by clicking on a core or sample feature in the map, then clicking the More Info link to open the core or sample details page.


Sediment samples that have been collected by vibracoring only. This layer contains information related to core locations and core lengths, along with any associated docuements such as core logs, photos, sediment statistics sheets and granularmetric curves. If samples have been taken from the vibracores, the data associated with the samples (i.e. Munsell color, gradation analyses, carbonate content, etc) may be accessed through the More Info page.

Jet Probes

Sediment samples collected by using a long pipe into which water under high pressure is pumped in order to penetrate into unconsolidated sediment. This layer contains information related to jet probe location, core lengths and core layer descriptions. Where samples have been analyzed for grain size etc, the analysis data may be accessed through the More Info page.

Grab Samples

Sediment samples collected using a grab technique. They are small samples taken at random or pre-selected frequencies. These samples only define the characteristics of an area at the specific time that they were collected. This layer provides location information, along with full details accessed on the More Info page.

All Sediment Data

This layer contains Project Level data associated with all sediment samples, regardless of collection method (i.e. vibracore, jet probe, grab sample).

2) Other Data


Location of reef/hardbottom features.

Range Monuments

Inventory of Florida’s range monuments for each coastal county.

3) Geophysical Data

Geophysical data collected during the process of sand searches throughout the State of Florida. This folder contains information related to the location of the track lines.

Seismic Image ID

Identification of portions of the seismic tracklines to be used as reference when downloading data from the site. Click on a point to view the data associated with that point. The ID can be used to reference particular portions of the images that can bbe downloaded from the links in the Geophysical Track Lines layer.

Time Stamps

Record of the time (typically on a regular interval) at which the geophysical record was collected. This number serves as a reference mark when reviewing and interpreting seismic images. This number can also be used as a reference mark when viewing two adjacent images along the same geophysical track line.

Geophysical Track Lines

Tracklines followed by research vessels during seismic and sample acquisition. Each project is represented by a different color line. The lines can be identified using the Identify Tool.

4) Environmental Data

These layers represent environmentally sensitive areas throughout the state that should be known to researchers when preparing for sand searches and beach nourishment projects.

Artificial Reefs

Manmade reefs usually built for the purpose of promoting marine life. This layer contains information related to the location of these features and a description of these features, including the volume and type of material used to construct the reef.

Critical Erosion Areas

Segments of the shoreline where natural processes or human activity have caused or contributed to erosion and recession of the beach or dune system to such a degree that upland development, recreational interests, wildlife habitat or important cultural resources are threatened or lost. This layer provides an inventory of Florida’s coastal erosion problem areas and contains information related to the location (county, R monument etc) of both critically and noncritically eroded areas and their extent. Information is based on the 2000, 2002 and 2005 critical erosion reports.

Sea Grass Beds

Rooted, submerged marine or estuarine macrophytes of several species. This layer describes the location and extent of seagrass beds throughout the state of Florida.

Salt Marshes

An inventory of the locations in Florida where salt water from the ocean or gulf meets fresh water from a river.

Tidal Flats

An inventory of the locations in Florida of nearly flat coastal areas that are alternately covered and exposed by tides and consist of unconsolidated sediments.

5) Basemap

Layers containing basic visible surface features and boundaries.

Ship Ports

The port files contain USACE port codes, geographic locations, names and commodity tonnage summaries (total tons, domestic, foreign, imports and exports) for USACE ports.

Major Rivers

Statewide coverage of Florida’s 50 major rivers.

Aquatic Preserve Boundaries

The boundaries for outstanding Florida waters that are designated as aquatic preserves.


The boundaries of Florida’s 67 counties.

Florida Coastline

Position of Florida’s present day coastline.

6) Bathymetry

Measurement of the depth of the ocean floor from the water surface.

Panhandle 5 ft

5 foot bathymetric contour lines off the Florida panhandle coast. This layer was created using the NOAA Geodas data.

Panhandle 10ft

10 foot bathymetric contour lines off the Florida panhandle coast. This layer was created using the NOAA Geodas data.

Panhandle 20ft

20 foot bathymetric contour lines off the Florida panhandle coast. This layer was created using the NOAA Geodas data.

Panhandle 50ft

50 foot bathymetric contour lines off the Florida panhandle coast. This layer was created using the NOAA Geodas data.

Panhandle 100ft

100 foot bathymetric contour lines off the Florida panhandle coast. This layer was created using the NOAA Geodas data.

Southwest 1m

1 m bathymetric contour lines off the southwest coast of Florida. This layer was created using the NOAA Geodas data.

Southwest 3m

3 m bathymetric contour lines off the southwest coast of Florida. This layer was created using the NOAA Geodas data.

Southwest 1m (USGS)

1 m bathymetric contour lines off the southwest coast of Florida developed from USGS data.

Southwest 3m (USGS)

Bathymetry at 3 m intervals off the southwest coast of Florida developed from USGS data.

7) Borrow Sites

Offshore sources of beach compatible material

Potential Borrow Sites

Potential offshore sediment sources that are currently being investigated. Data available includes location, area and dimensions. Potential offshore sediment sources identified during the ROSS project investigation.

Proposed Borrow Sites

Sediment sources that have been identified as suitable source of beach compatible sediment. These are sites that have not been permitted.

Permitted Borrow Sites

Borrow sites that have already been permitted for use in specific projects.

8) Paleo features

Inventory of geologic features representing the past 12,000 years

Barrier Islands

Long, relatively narrow islands that run parallel to the mainland and have been built up by the action of waves and currents. This layer documents the location of paleo-barrier islands throughout the state of Florida.

Inlet Retreat Paths

This layer documents the location of paleo inlet retreat paths throughout the state of Florida.

Paleo Shoreline complex

Paleo shoreline positions.

Holocene Sand

Location of Holocene sand deposits.

Paleo Ebb Deltas

Location of paleo ebb deltas interpreted from seismic data.

Paleo Channels

Location of paleo channels interpreted from seismic data.

Sealevel 9 k ybp

Position of Florida’s coastline at 9,000 years BP.

Sealevel 8 k ybp

Position of Florida’s coastline at 8,000 years BP.

Sealevel 7.6 k ybp

Position of Florida’s coastline at 7,600 years BP.

Sealevel 7.3 k ybp

Position of Florida’s coastline at 7,300 years BP.

Sealevel 7 k ybp

Position of Florida’s coastline at 7,000 years BP.

Sealevel 6 k ybp

Position of Florida’s coastline at 6,000 years BP.

9) Near Shore Features

Features found within the area of land/water that extends from the backshore to the beginning of the offshore zone.

Sand Wave Field

Location of areas dominated by sand wave features. Locations have been determined based on seismic data.

Ebb Deltas

Location of sand deposits formed at the seaward mouth of a tidal inlet as a result of the interaction between tidal currents and waves.

10) Geology/Geomorphology

Surface and subsurface features found within Florida.


Geologic formations found in Florida.

SW Physiographic units

Character and distribution of various landforms in southwest Florida. These landforms include sand sheets, sand ridges, bars and barrier island platform sediments.


Shaded relief maps showing submarine topography. This layer was created using the NOAA Geodas data.

11) Interpreted Maps

Results of detailed data analysis presented in the form of maps, graphs, charts etc.

Mean Grain Size

Mean grain size of surface sediments collected and analyzed from Hernando to Sarasota Counties.

Percent Carbonate

Carbonate content for selected sediment samples collected from Pasco to Sarasota County.


Lines that have been drawn on the map through points of equal thickness of a specific sediment unit. This layer only includes data from Pinellas, Manatee and Sarasota counties.

Bottom Types

Surficial geologic map based on shallow seismic data that shows the type of bottom sediment (i.e. shell hash, carbonate sand, siliciclastic material etc) found in the nearshore zone of Sarasota County.


Interpreted maps from various studies on the southwest Florida coast. These maps are taken from references in the Annotated Bibliography.

Side scans

Sidescan sonar mosaic collected off the Pinellas County Coast.

12) Queries

Layer of sample/core locations associated with queries made by the user utilizing the Enhanced Query Builder tool. This layer will be unique each time the site is visited.